๐๗ สิงหาคม ๒๕๔๙

Sorrowful Happiness

Renew world order,
Reread your politics,
Rewrite your policy.
We have to live together,
not for now, but for a long time since.
Conformists have sorrowful happiness,
Others sacrifice themselves,
just to display their own believes.
Renew world order,
Reread your politics,
Rewrite your policy.
You have to understand,
nowadays lives, living like an old brick house.
Foundation was shattered,
Holes dominated roof,
and people are hollowed.
We need no ruler.
We need no organized system.
Whatsoever ones.
Just live.
In an orderless world of peace.
Like the old days.
When we were young.



หมายเหตุ: มีเพียงสมาชิกของบล็อกนี้เท่านั้นที่สามารถแสดงความคิดเห็น